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Appraisal Services

There are two types of appraisals: The first type of appraisal is a formal document needed for Trusts, Estates, Equitable distribution and Insurance purposes. There are fees associated with formal appraisals. Please contact our Trusts &amp Estates Department, 510.227.2530, for more information. The second type of appraisal is a free, verbal auction estimate. This appraisal includes an estimated value, which based on the educated judgment of the specialist as to what the object will sell for at auction. You will also be provided with information on the appropriate auction, a timetable and an explanation of our terms of sale. Free appraisals can be obtained in the following manner:

  1. Appraisal Appointments - Michaan's specialists are pleased to meet with you in your home, if you have 20 or more items or at our Alameda gallery. If you would like to schedule an appointment, please call us at (510) 740-0220 or e-mail [email protected].
  2. Submitting Photographs - Please send clear images that depict the entire piece and a few detail images of any markings or damage to the piece. You may send images online using our Free Online Appraisal form or mail your photographs to:


Michaan's Auctions
P.O. Box 489
Alameda, CA 94501


PAUL DE LONGPRE (French/American, 1855-1911) "Red and White Carnations," Watercolor on paper, Sold for $16,380